Sunday 20 January 2008

It's been a long time since a walk and stroll......

......OK, so the title is only (slightly) funny if you're a bit of an old fart - like wot I am.

It's a long time since I updated this blog but we have been out jogging fairly regularly and the distances have been consistently increasing. Our routine was disrupted over Christmas / New Year but even then we went out a couple of times when we were in Sharm El Sheikh (not for very long though as it was bloody hot!). But we're both having problems getting out as frequently as we should, we should be running at least twice during the week but, largely due to work, we both only got out once.

We went out today, I really struggled for some reason (possibly because I've not been out recently), Birg seems to be getting ever fitter and faster while I've plateaued. We did 2 hours, 10 miles, through the woods around Silverstone, I'm going to join Silverstone joggers next week or the week after in order to get a bit more variety.

I didn't get into the London Marathon through the public balot............... but have done so through the PDS! I've also (today) booked Birg and me in for the Silverstone Half Marathon on March 9th - I haven't told Birg yet!