Saturday 29 March 2008

Not long now....

Well, two weeks tomorrow I'll be looking as I am here. Wearing this nice pink PDS vest, what a fine figure of a man........ hmmmm. It's a good job I'm comfortable with my sexuality.... 'Ducky'.

Anyway, at this time I'll be past half way round - or should be anyway - so please look out for me on the TV (this is my number) and give me a shout if you see me. I'm getting quite worried but when I think about it the adrenalin starts pumping and it turns into a veiled excitement!

I was in quite a bad way after Monday's run and, because I'd slipped the long run from Sunday, it threw my programme out a bit, consequently I missed out the slow recovery run I should have done this week and just did the 'quality' training sessions - which I managed OK. My feet are still hurting and I think I may well use my old trainers for the long runs and new ones (that have now - since my wading sessions a couple of weeks ago - become uncomfortable) for short sessions.

It's taper time now, so the sessions this week have been a bit easier.... at last! I've attached a chart I've been keeping of weekly and cumulative mileage since I started training. These are taken from my GPS and go from Sunday to Saturday whereas my programme works from Monday to Sunday so it's a little bit out of kilter on a weekly basis but the cumulative is spot on! It's easy to see when we were on holiday just after Christmas - oops!

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