Monday 7 April 2008

Less than a week to go!

It's now Monday and this time next week it will all be over!

Birg and I went out for the last long run yesterday, it was just under 11 miles and in the snow! I didn't look forward to going out at all but..... I'm going to have to put up with whatever Mother Nature throws at us next weekend so I may as well get used to it.

It was actually very nice once we got going. The sun came out and it got hot towards the end, hence the sweaty me in the self portrait going through the woods, please remember I'd run about 9.5 miles when I took this... You can see how sunny it was by how dark my glasses have gone.

Anyway, I was pleased, my feet didn't hurt, since I've started tying my laces the same way as Birg, and I kept to my time (10:14 minutes / mile) without a major problem.

I went swimming last Friday (it was great to get back in the water as I haven't been since before Easter). It's OK now I'm dropping the mileage, I've got a bit more energy and swimming is good as it keeps the fitness there without overly tiring the leg muscles (in my case without tiring them at all!). It was hard work though and I felt to be a lot slower than a couple of months ago, never mind, I'll soon be back into it.

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