Monday 14 April 2008

It's all a bit piecemeal....

Well, I'm slowly recovering, half a can of freezer spray on the ankles and feet that are extrememly swollen and sore and then Deep Heat on the muscles that are extremely fatigued...

This is the route we took. You can see a much better quality version if you click on the 'view my route' link in the post below, not only can you follow me around if you go to the map player but also you can tell it to export to Google Earth yourself and then you can blow it up if you wish (the image, not London you fool!), the above is a screenshot which, if you double click it, will expand.

The GPS I use has a built in heart rate monitor, the image below is a plot of what the old ticker was doing. The formula for working out your maximum heart rate is 220-age. I'm 50 so, my theoretical maximum heart rate is 220-50 = 170.. look at the chart, I peaked (at the very start) at 233 beats / min and averaged 160 for the whole 5 hours of the race, which is 94% of max... please don't say I wasn't trying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions